2011 had its ups and downs.
Here is the year in review in not particular order:
Got 2 new jobs: Anasazi & E3 Imagine
Went to the Renaissance Festival
Got 2 Henna Tattoos
Went to the World Fest (Beer Fest)
Did a Walk for the America Liver Foundation
Went to Girls Camp
Cut bangs
Kissed a Cowboy
Did the Elpha Challenge
Started a Writing Blog
Re-did my room
Walked into a glass door
Finished writing a book
Painted a Chalkboard Wall
Wicked awesome "Suckerpunch" Halloween costumes w/ the roommates
Slide Rock in Sedona, AZ
I'm looking forward to this next year. I have created a special "Make it Happen" blog for the next year of my life. On this blog you can find my New Year's Resolutions or 32 goals that I want to make happen this next year!
I hope you have an opportunity to thank and love those who make a difference in your life. Here's to the next year! Happy New Years!