Friday, February 26, 2010

"You Are More Than What You Have Become"

Last week my group therapy principle was, "You are more than what you have become". I knew the women in the shelter really need to learn this principle. They have all been beaten both physically and mentally and feel worthless. After we watched this clip we made Vision Boards, collages of what they want to become, accomplish, dreams, goals, etc.

Like Rafike says, "Aah change is good...ooh yes the past can hurt but the way I see it you can either run from it or learn from it." It's always a good reminder!

What, Where, or Who Inspires You?

Lately I've been swamped with school and my internship but I manage to squish in time to write in a book I'm writing. Tonight I'm writing in my chapter about the importance of loving yourself so that you can love others.

Once section of the chapter is called, "Be Inspired So You Can Inspire". I talk about three different ways that I think you can get inspired: 1. Choose physical places that invite inspiration, 2. Find people who inspire you, and 3. Use your passions, hobbies, talents to inspire you. I share a few examples of places, people, and things that have inspired me but it got me thinking...

What, Where, or Who has inspired or inspires you??

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Red Fingernails for Grandma B

Very early this morning my Grandma B died. I'm very happy for her. She lived a wonderfully full and long life. She was able to see her kids kids have kids, she live her last years of her life surrounded by her grandchildren & great-grandchildren, she wrote her life history, and she brought joy into the lives of all those who knew her!

Today I painted my fingernails red in her memory. She LOVES the color red and was rarely seen without wearing it in some fashion. I will miss you grandma but I know you are with grandpa, Kelly, Mark, Grant, and so many more!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Words Are Powerful

I'm a child/adult therapist these days at a shelter in Scottsdale, AZ. I work for a wonderful organization called Chrysalis. I work with victims of domestic violence or children who have witnessed dv. It is a difficult job but I'm learning so much and I love what I do!

As part of my job I facilitate a group therapy session 1 night a week. My groups so far have been about communication and its vital importance. I've been teaching a few key principles about "healthy" communication styles, how communication is much more than talking, and hoping to give the women in my group some "tools" they can use when faced in difficult situations in the shelter and outside the shelter.

The principle of my first group (last week) was: "Seek first to understand before being understood." This session was a lot about learning different communication types, body language, tone, inflection, non verbal communication, and so forth. It was learning about how sometimes you don't "see" the same picture that someone else "sees" or expects you to "See".

The principle of this week's group was: "Just because you can doesn't mean you should." This group was about the power of language (gossip, lies, etc.). It was also about the power of listening and how it is the key to successful communication.

Preparing and facilitating these groups has once again reminded me about the importance of communication and listening! There is such a power in the words we send and receive. We really should be more accountable for what, where, and how we communicate!