My parents came into town because my pa decided to run the Boston Marathon. My dad has been running a Marathon every 5 years since he was 25. Can you believe my dad ran his first marathon in 2:56! wow!
This year Dad decided he wanted to run the Boston Marathon and come out to see his two daughters. Since Boston is a qualifying marathon he decided to run for a charity instead of running two marathons.
Here they are at my work. Chelsea and I decided to take Mom and Dad on the Freedom Trail (we did the Duck tour last time instead). They enjoyed walking around the city.

Here's Dad looking over his Marathon stuff (see the bright orange bag). We mostly just loved being together, playing games, and just talking. It was so great having my parents around!

We decided to take some pre-Marathon pictures.

Dad at the finish line.
The Liver Foundation Dinner

Being at the Liver Foundation dinner was amazing. If I ever decide to do something crazy like run a Marathon I know I want to run for a great cause like this.

Daddy and his girls.

Dad (in the back in the hat and red shirt) and the rest of the Go Liver runners.

Chelsea, Dad, and Preston at our house. This was intended to be a good bye party for Marie (she moved into her new house in Dorchester). However, Marie was very ill--not to worry Preston came to represent and the we still had the party. (yes, we missed you dearly Marie.)

"oh, how cute."

M &D

I just had to take a picture of Ben Clement playing his guitar with a Charlie Card as his pick. Way to be so Bawsten Ben!

Mom and Dad made a special request for the Peggy and Marry show. They were kind enough to oblige.

Krista, Natalie, and Carly

Seth, Preston, and Ben

Krista, Natalie, and Jared (I think he's either laughing really hard or yelling at someone.)

"Can you feel the love tonight?"

Can you see him back there in the orange singlet?

There he is at the end of the Marathon! Go Liver! Go Dad!

and there he is heading to the finish line! He did great!

Mom, Dad and I eating at Border Cafe. Dad did great walking up and down the Subway stairs in order to get to Harvard Square. Dinner was great, but the best part was having the parents around!

I love you daddy and I'm really proud of you!

My Dad did great! He ran faster than his Marathon 5 years ago, managed to run against the wind, and overcome the hills (none where he was training in Cali).