Friday, March 13, 2009

Family Friday: Mike

Michael McLachlan Strayer

My brother-in-law Mike is incredible!  When he's not in Ghana you can find him doing a multitude of various things:
  • He likes to write about different kinds of things and in many different styles
  • He is amazing at organizing things and has put a lot time in the Give to Ghana blog to get aid where it is so desperately needed!
  • He likes politics, traveling, the environment and so many more things.
  • I love that Mike is a thinker. He knows what he likes and doesn't like and is willing to debate you on it--just know what you are talking about.
  • I love that Mike married my sister!  He is most likely the best thing that every happened to her. There is not way to express how much it means to have an amazing man marry your sister.
  • Mike is patience, kind, and puts up with a lot of crap. Being the first to marry into my family was not easy! Mike has done an amazing job and paved the way for others.
  • Mike is very talented. Besides writing, cooking, being able to get along with just about nothing, managing money, and taking great pictures, he was also in a band with Chels called POST in Boston.
  • Did I mention he is also brilliant. He got his Master's in Hispanic Studies with an emphasis in film and literature (I think?) at Boston College. He is not deciding where to go for his PhD.
  • One other thing I love and appreciate about Mike more than he knows is his patience and love for me--even when I invade in his space and life. Thanks for letting me crash on your couch when I first moved to Boston and in your spare room when I came to Africa!
There's a lot more I love of this great man. Unlike the rest of my family I don't have as much experience or history with him so I'm still getting to know him. I'm so glad he is part of the family and just want to say love ya brother!  Ps good luck with grad school choices, getting over Malaria, and other heartbreaks!

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