Sunday, June 27, 2010

Fossil Springs

Brandon & Tami put together a group to sleep over and hike at Fossil Springs. I was told it would be fairly easy hike (not so). So Friday night we arrived late at the parking lot and slept in our sleeping bags under the stars. Little did I know that during the night the mosquitoes were feasting on my arms.

We woke up early and headed to the first waterfall. We jumped off rocks, went exploring underwater (the water is so clear so with goggles you can see everything), and then decided to hike to the Dam.

The started off with all 9 of us: Tami, 2 young girls she brought, Brad, Brandon, Dave, Brigham, Camilla, and I hiking along the river. Then Tami and the girls got separated from us. So the 6 of us just kept making our way. We ended up all over the place, I slid down a mountain side (lots of scrapes as proof), and finally ended up hiking up the mountain to the road/path that led to the Dam.

Once we got to the Dam we swam, ate lunch, and such and then headed back on the road/path. the hike back to the car wasn't too bad but I was hurting from my fall (my knee got pretty banged up).

After I was able to wash up I started counting my mosquito bites and stopped around 16 or so. The good news is they are bugging me so much I can't be bothered with the blisters on my feet or my bruised knee!

All in all we had a blast!

Camilla, Tami, & I.

(L-R) Brandon, Camilla, Tami, me, Brad

I jumped off the rocks and then I sort of slid jumped off the waterfall.

Brandon & I semi-under the waterfall.

Treasures that Brigham found in the water: sunglasses, beer can (full), and knife.

Brad and the Dam

The Dam we hiked to after the first falls.

The two champions Tami brought with her! They did the sleepover, hikes, and jumped off the rocks into the water!

Brad & Brigham sun bathing.

(L-R) Brandon, Brad, me, Brigham, Dave

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