Tuesday, June 22, 2010

An Open Letter to...My Best Friend

When I was 4 I met my best friend for life= Kimberlee Ann (Young) Cook
Then there was... Joey Leavitt
Then... Lauren (Layne) Enochs
Then... Alan/Michael Sackett & Kris Higley
Then...Anne (Walton) Burnett
Then...Kris (Pallin) Wood
Then...Marie (Thompson) Criddle
Then...Timothy Connor
Then...Brandon Burnham

Though I have been blessed to have some incredible best friends in my life I'm going to write my open letter to my best friend of 26 years!


I don't know how I lucked out in life to have you as my best friend. It seems a bit strange to me that we have spent more of our lives apart now then we ever did together--and yet you are somehow woven into everything that I am!

The other day I was thinking of your house fire, I was thinking of the metal pencil box we dug and hid under the tree in my backyard, and I was thinking of how much fun we had as kids. I was also thinking of how you actually waited for me to come home from my mission before you got married (you know I wouldn't have allowed it any other way). This got me thinking of 2 summers ago when I had no idea why I needed to move to UT before I moved to AZ but went ahead and you ended up in the hospital for too many days.

I asked God not to take away my best friend and I rejoiced with your amazing husband when you got better. I can't imagine the world without you in it! You were the first (outside my family) to love me unconditionally! You loved the loud in me, the passion, the craziness, the ADHD, and so much more (and still do after all these years.) That kind of love has sustained me many times in my life!

You were there for me for all the deaths in my family, all the tragedies, the big triumphs, lots of laughs, and many tears. I only hope you know how much I love you! There isn't an open letter long enough to captures 26 years of friendship so I'll just hope my hand print on your heart is sufficient!

Please squeeze that incredible husband of yours for me and tell the girls hi for me!

I love you forever, Kylee

1 comment:

Ryan and Kim said...

Hey, that is me! You are amazing Kylee! I am so happy that you know how much I love and care about you. It is totally true...I do love the loud, passion, craziness and everything in between that makes up Kylene. Thank you for all the fun times, the support and all the laughs. My memories are filled with times with you and I wouldn't have it ... See Moreany other way. Worst day of elementary school was the day I came home crying to my mom because you were home sick and I couldn't play with you all day. Funniest day of elementary school was the day you kicked Timmy in the balls. Thanks for loving the quiet, the sensitive, the OCD and everything else. I am amazed at how little of an effect time and distance have had on our friendship. It makes me so happy! I am excited for the memories we have yet to make together...here's to another 26+ years!