Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Date #3: Storytelling

Name: "Cop"
Profession: City of Phoenix Cop
Date Theme: Storytelling

"Cop" has to wake up at 4:00 am so we didn't have a long date but we did have a great time. "Cop" took me a place called, "Joe's Farm Grill" that I have been hearing about but had never been. We both got burgers and the stories began.

"Cop" told me a bunch of great stories about his adventures being a cop, a crazy story about his roommate, and I shared a few of my own stories. We had a great time just sharing stories from the "trenches" and talking about some research on secondary trauma, etc. I found the conversation great and we laughed a lot.

After dinner we went back to "Cop's" place and continued telling stories whilst playing a fierce game of Jenga. I won and that's all that matters. Then "Cop" took me home, walked me to the door, and...

It was great to be able to talk "shop" a bit with "cop".Even though we have different jobs they have a lot of similarities. "Cop" seems like a really stellar guy!

1 comment:

Whitney said...

This is so fun Kylee! What a great home teacher you have!